How Can I Earn Money From My YouTube Account?

If you’re a YouTuber, you’ve probably wondered how to make money from your channel. There are several ways to do this, and they depend on the type of YouTube content you’re making. For that matter, this article will cover each method in detail below!

YouTube Monetization

YouTube monetization refers to the process of earning some money from your YouTube videos. You can earn money from your videos by using ads, or you can use Google AdSense to earn money from them.

To start making money on YouTube, you need to have a channel that has at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in doing, make sure your YouTube channel meets these requirements before moving forward.

Once you’ve made sure everything is set up correctly, go into Creator Studio and click “Monetize my videos” under Video Manager (or just click here ). This will take you to a page where there are two main options: Promoted Videos & Google AdSense For Content Owners to have your YouTube monetization take effect.

YouTube Partnerships

As a YouTube Partner, you can make money from your channel in a few ways. You can get paid for ads that are shown before your video and during it. You also get a cut of any ad revenue that comes from pre-roll ads.

When you upload videos to the site, one of the most important things to consider is how many subscribers you have. If you want to make money from ads on YouTube, then this number must be at least 10 thousand subscribers or more.

The AdSense Program

And lastly, the AdSense program is a great way to earn money from your YouTube account. In this amazing program, you can choose whether or not to have ads appear on your videos, and if so, where they should be placed. You can also set the amount of money that will be paid out for each view or click on an ad.

You can choose whether or not you want ads before, during, or after a video plays on the website (if there are any). If you do decide to have them appear in one of those places, then Google will pay them based on how long someone watches their video. This means that if someone stops watching halfway through because it wasn’t interesting enough for them anymore, then no money will be made from those views!

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