These days, YouTube is the ultimate online place where people go to learn, be entertained, and connect with other people. But if you’re like many business owners who want to take advantage of this amazing platform, you may be worried about how to make sure your channel is set up properly so that it gets found by customers on YouTube. For that matter, this is where the importance of YouTube audit comes in!

Make A List Of Your Goals For The YouTube Audit

Before you begin your audit on YouTube, it’s important to make a list of your goals. This will help you determine what metrics are most important and help keep track of them throughout the process. Your goals should be specific and measurable so that when they’re reached, there will be no doubt about whether or not they were achieved.

Get Organized With Your YouTube Channel

One important step to auditing your YouTube channel is for you to get organized. This can be as simple as setting up a spreadsheet or using an app for online organization, but it’s important to have a ready-made plan so that you don’t lose track of what needs to be done on your YouTube channel, as well as how long it takes.

Audit Your YouTube Views, Subscribers, And Engagement

Doing a YouTube audit of your views, subscribers, and engagement on your YouTube channel is a good way to figure out what’s working and what isn’t. If you have a colleague who can help with this YouTube task, it will be much easier.

Audit Your Videos On Your YouTube Channel

Auditing your YouTube videos means going through all of your videos on your channel, and making sure they’re up to scratch. You must check the titles, descriptions, and tags on each YouTube video. Are they all clear on your channel page? Do they accurately describe what the YouTube video is about? Are there any words or phrases in them that might be confusing or off-putting to YouTube viewers?

Also, look at how long each YouTube video is. Are most of these YouTube videos around three minutes long (or less), or do some go over five minutes – and if so, why? You can get away with longer YouTube videos if they’re really good quality. But generally speaking, shorter ones will be easier for people to watch on YouTube while on mobile devices.

Lastly, check out how high-quality these YouTube clips look. Does everything look clear enough so YouTube viewers will have no problems understanding what’s happening within them? Aside from that, make sure that the transitions between shots on your YouTube clips flow smoothly enough so that nothing seems jarringly abrupt.

Ingenovie Digital Marketing